How (and WHY) to Use Triberr to Find Like-Minded Bloggers

As we all know, Shoestring Step TWO: Find Out Some W’s is all about connecting to people.

Some of those “W’s” include: Who Wants What; Why they Want it, Where they can be found, and hoW… We… may help them get it.

Other (more boring 😉 ) folks refer to this Shoestring Step as, “market research”. Learning the psychological profile, socioeconomic status and demographics of potential clients and market feasibility.

Mmm, Yawn. Wake me when “market research” is over. Now, back to MY brilliance:

“Market Research” Also Helps You Discover Potential Allies

During the process of Finding Out Some W’s… identifying those with shared interests and values… some of those Whos will be your potential customers. And some folks you will inevitably run into are other Biznesses.  Focused on serving the very same customers that you want to serve.

Used ta be, back in tha day… we would call every single one of these folks “competitors”.

But as we look deeper into marketing and how to create value for people, we find that not everyone in this space selling to our potential customers are really our enemies. It would be just as easy to refer to these so-called “competitors” as:

“potential partners”;


or even “folks to network with and create value in a way that I couldn’t have… all by me onesy”.

That last part you’re ‘sposed to read in a pirate voice, just like Jack Sparrow. Arrr.

Seriously though! Rather than fighting tooth and nail not for a piece, but a beaten-up scrap of pie… more and more savvy marketers are learning to meet, to network, to team up.

They’re finding ways to develop more and more valuable products to offer. And better ways to deliver them.

In short, to hell with fighting for a piece of the old pie. They’re banding together, sampling sharing and baking better pies.

Which brings me to the subject of today’s post: Triberr.

An unreserved ‘Hat tip’ to Her Royal Trafficness, Ana Hoffman of I blatantly ripped her SlideShare presentation (scroll down to see said SlideShare) off of one of her posts about Triberr. Danged if I can find it, you’ll have to scroll through a bunch of her site now… time well spent, I promise.

 Triberr, created by @DinoDogan and @DanCristo is the answer to the content marketer’s quest to connect.

Unlike Twitter, in which all communication is done in 140 character (or less) bursts… Triberr is predicated on bloggers sharing ALL of their public content one with another.

Which is good, because so far most of Twitter I’ve seen so far boils down to quick quips… updates about food, family time, or exercise… and links to content.

With Triberr, I get to see -and share- lots of good content without scrolling through all the nonsense.

Steppers, I have a few projects in mind that I’d love to have the input of MUCH smarter people than me. I plan to connect with them at Triberr. I plan to post here more about my experiences with Triberr in the next couple of months. In the meantime, I recommend that you head over there yourself and check out what they’re all about.

Wealth building is a team sport. No man is an island. And to find more answers… and provide a few yourself… it’s important to reach out to others in your space.

Keep Stepping,


P.S. Hey, wouldja share your experiences regarding Triberr, Twitter, and other meeting places in the space below? Would mean a lot to me if you did. Thanks!


  1. Hi, great post. I’m also a member of Triberr but I haven’t really used it to tough. I can see the potential there but it hasn’t done much for me just yet. You provide great insight on the topic. Keep up the great work!

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