My Interview with Joey Kissimmee

My latest Shoestring101 interview was with Joey Kissimmee of  What a breath of fresh air!

After just a few minutes of shooting the breeze with Joey I could tell I had met a kindred soul. Back in 2000 Joey decided that he was no longer going to work two, three, four jobs in order to keep his wife at home with the kids… it was going to be just one full time job and some hustle on the side to make extra money.

Sounds like the heart and soul of Shoestring101 to me.

Birth of an Entrepreneur

Joey began supplementing the income from his ‘day job’ at Wal-Mart by washing cars, tinting windows, wiring cars for audio, handyman services… ANYthing to make extra money on the side without having to work two or more jobs.

Like I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog, one of the easiest ways to become your own boss is to start a service-related biz to bring in side income without taking out loans or risking your savings. Joey was committed to 1) having his wife at home full time; and 2) NOT working two or more full-time jobs working for someone else.

But the story certainly doesn’t stop there! Joey began learning about how to make money online as well. His turning point came when he realized that just in the first five months of 2008, he had already equaled his YEARly income from his job at Wal-Mart.

At that point, Joey knew he really had something.

The rest of the interview covers Joey’s Shoestring101 journey… how he came to arrive at a place of five figures per month or better and teaching others how to do the same: kicking butt with marketing online.

Listen to this exclusive Shoestring101 interview with Joey Kissimmee here!
(right-click and Save as)

Stuff We Talked About

Listen for the following ideas that Joey shared:

Schedule regular “Business Hours” for your Shoestring Biz

How to become an Underwater Basket Weaving authority 😉

Build an Audience, build a list

Give free solutions to problems and people will look to you for more

The “Who” is the most important of the W’s


‘Recommending’ sells better than ‘selling’

ROI for your time and energy

Value per Lead

Split Testing

Selling a product before creating it

How to become a great copy writer

 To-do lists and How-to lists and how they can create value and become products

Action Items from this Interview (things I’M Gonna Do):

Visit forums in my niche to see who is talking, what are the problems, who is giving solutions

Make an e-book

Subscribe to great copywriters using a dedicated email address to create a ‘swipe file’

Buy blank journals, one each: YouTube video ideas, blog post ideas, product creation ideas, MP3 ideas

Links to Things Mentioned in the Interview:

The Blueprint (my stock trading book) at

Frank Kern

Pat Flynn

Joey’s Podcast    =====>

JoeyKissimmee Channel on YouTube:

How to Make Your Own Fox Logo

Okay Steppers! Here’s the link again to listen to Joey Kissimmee and me talking about how to start a part-time business that pays full-time bills, starting with nothing but an idea and some passion.

Listen to this exclusive Shoestring101 interview with Joey Kissimmee here!
(right-click and Save as)

Enjoy! Keep Stepping,


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