Money Isn’t WORTH Anything!

Hello, Steppers!

Today I’d like to share with you an idea that changed the way I think about money forever. After having this revelation, I stopped worrying FOREVER about having enough money… I don’t worry about it at all now. Get this: neither will you, if you understand what I’m gonna lay before you in this post.

You have all the power to get wealth, RIGHT NOW, that you’ll ever need. If you ever happen to need more money, you can go grab more at any time. And it’s not really that difficult. If you get the point of this post, you’ll have all the money YOU ever need from here on out.

Got your attention? 😉

First let me start with the title of this post: “Money Isn’t WORTH Anything”. Now before you get off this page thinking I’m a silly dufus… let me defend that statement:

  • Say you’re stranded on a desert island with a suitcase full of cash… say a million bucks. Can’t EAT the money, can you?
  • Say you’re lost in the Alaskan wilderness with 10,000 $100-dollar bills. It’s getting cold. Gonna WEAR that money?
  • Say your mom, your child, your best friend is sick. Cover ’em with cash, right? Will that make the fever break? Huh-uh.

Ahhh, NOW we have perspective. The money isn’t useful in any of these cases. ‘Course, if you indeed did get lost in the Alaskan wilderness… I suppose those Benjamins would make great (gulp) KINDLING to start a FIRE.

I’ll say it again… Money isn’t worth anything.

And don’t be telling me that, “Oh, but money is a medium of exchange! It’s worth something because it can GET you what you need!”

Nope. There are plenty of things we need that money cannot buy: A laugh that’s truly spontaneous. A mother’s love. A special moment with your child. The camaraderie of a best friend. The sincere approval of your peers or your mate.

Money is therefore not even a good medium of exchange… it isn’t exchangeable for most things we really want or need.

Also, some of the things you can get for money, you can also get without money. The barter system is alive and well, believe it.

Money Has NO VALUE

“Oh, but you can trade some things for money and money for some things”. Okay. So some things DO have value (food, shelter, clothing, et cetera). But money itSELF is not one of those things.

Consider the following exercise in futility…

Alfie decides he wants to do something nice for Bernie. So Alfie gives Bernie a thousand bucks.

Bernie is so pleased that Alfie did something so thoughtful for him, you know he’s going to feel like doing him a good turn as well. Know what he’s gonna do? Bernie’s gonna give Alfie a thousand bucks too.

All right. So Alfie and Bernie have given one another a thousand dollars. Now no one is richer. No one is poorer. “Exchange” has happened, but exchange of value has not. At the end of the day no one’s life was made any better or worse.

I’ll state it one last time: Money isn’t worth anything. And the biggest obstacle in our lives keeping us from having money is loving it instead of loving what we love. Most folks don’t even know what money IS, and therefore cannot master it.

What IS Money Then?

I’ll tell you what money is:

It’s a shadow (It actually says so in the Bible… look it up).

A shadow has no real substance of its own.

A shadow implies something real BEHIND it.

What, then, is the ‘something real’ behind the money?

It’s Power and it’s VALUE.

Shoestring Step Number Three is, “LEARN To CREATE Value.”

Value is only CREATED when people share things or ideas

If Value is something that a human being can create… indeed, it’s the ONLY thing a human truly creates… and money is simply the shadow that follows the value… then money isn’t something that’s really hard to come by at all, is it?

Value Creation… The Path  to Wealth for ALL

So to never be without enough… to always have a surplus of everything we want INCLUDING money… we’ve got to understand the laws regarding the creation of value and master them.

When we create value, we don’t enrich ourselves, we enrich EVERYONE. Let’s go back to our example of Alfie and Bernie.

Say Alfie raises beans on his farm. He knows all about beans: how to plant ’em, how to grow ’em, how to harvest and how to store ’em. He’s got more beans than he knows what to do with.

Alfie also happens to like, but ‘doesn’t know beans’… about rice.

Along comes Bernie, who’s Mr. Rice Guy. Ploddin’ through the paddy, plunkin down the seeds. Raising and reaping rice all day long.

Bernie also happens to LOVE beans… just doesn’t know the first thing about farming ’em.

DO you see where I’m going here?

When Alfie gives 1,000 servings of beans to Bernie… and Bernie reciprocates by giving 1,000 servings of rice to Alfie… both Alfie and Bernie can now enjoy a more complete meal.

Nor is either one poorer; they each had more than they could use of one thing and not enough of another. Now each has both and it didn’t cost either one of  ’em one red cent.

Why Does Anyone Ever Not Have Enough?

Because we often don’t know what it is that we have, right now, that wouldn’t make us poorer to give away… and who needs it.

The darnedest thing about creating value is that very often, WE don’t value what it is that we create. So we don’t know that something we think of as unremarkable,  might have INFINITE value to someone else.

You might think of something that’s just plain OBVIOUS… to YOU that is… and think it’s nothing special… but that very idea is EXACTLY what I need in order to solve a problem in my life. I might never have thought of the solution that’s obvious to you, but for whatever reason the idea that comes so easily to you, escapes me.

Would you share your idea? Would you create value and add it to my life? Won’t cost you anything.

But I will know that you added value to my life. And that will make me feel obligated to give you something in return. If you need help moving and and I have a strong back, I’ll be there. If you like cookies and I like to bake, you’ll get a baker’s dozen. If you need money and I happen to have it, get ready for the cash.

Do Still Think that you Need Cash?

Remember then, that money is just a SHADOW… what’s behind the shadow is value, and you have the power to CREATE value.

The paradox of Value: The more you give, the more you have!

Feel broke still? I recommend NOT ‘thinking of ways to make money’. I recommend looking for ways to Create Value for others. We all have the ability to share something we have that others do not. Set to work the great principle of Value Creation and money plus a geat deal many other things that you might want will inevitably follow.

Okey dokey Steppers! Next installment we’ll see the Creation of Value and the progress in my newest Challenge: to make an information product and earn $1,000 with it while spending less than a night out at the movies. We are profitable NOW and it looks like gravy from here on out.

Keep Stepping,



  1. […] I said, we think we have a money problem… when in fact we have a Creating Value problem. Money isn’t worth anything anyway, but value […]

  2. […] I said, we think we have a money problem… when in fact we have a Creating Value problem. Money isn’t worth anything anyway, […]

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