Oh, SNAP! Time to HUSTLE!

Length: ’bout 800 words, three and a half minutes to read.


On October 3,  after proving in my first 30-Day Challenge that it’s possible to:
1) start with less than half of what you might take in from a garage sale,
2) use part time effort only, and
3) make a $1000 profit (we did BETTER, actually) in 30 days or less with a service business….

….I done went and set for myself a new 30-day Challenge. THIS challenge was to create an Information Product, market it and make $1,000 profit in 30 days, all while spending less to get started than a night out at the movies.

And then I let time get away from me.

Got a LEEDLE bit distracted... only ten days left in my latest Challenge!

It’s the month of both my birthday and anniversary. I’ve been a little, well, distracted. But I still have a performance to handle here.

Geez, Steppers! With 10 days left in this 30 Day Challenge, do you think I’ll still be able to start from scratch… ground zero… top dead center… square one… and fifteen other cliche expressions for, “Uh, the dog ate my blog posts” and STILL manage to make $1,000 bucks in the time allotted?

I dunno. What I DO know is that I’ll give it the proverbial college try. So here’s my ‘work’ to date:

  • Oct 3, 2012: Tell everybody in a blog post that I’ll create an information product (maybe a PDF, a video, an iPhone app, a membership site) on the topic “How to do 100 Pushups in a Row”, market it with less dough than I might spend on a movie date with the lovely Mrs. Frankenberg, and make a grand in one month.
  • Oct 23, 2012: Finally go on godaddy.com Get Noticed with a $7.99 .COM or .CO! and take advantage of the domain name sale. Picked up www.howtodo100pushups.com and www.icando100pushups.com. Spent $11.30 total to register both domain names for one year.
  • Also Oct. 23, 2012: posted my progress here. 😉

So that’s how far I’ve gotten to date. Scary? You bet.

Nooooow! SOME of ya might be so kind as to cut me a little slack and pretend that today is my start date… but I’m going to work from here on out as though I’ve really truly only got 10 days to go. I’ll check back in with you a few times to be sure.

Here’s what I expect to be doing in the next ten days:

  1. Getting hosting for those very cool domain names. I can hardly believe that they were available; when you type “How to do 1…” into Google, it auto-completes “…100 pushups”! Seems a crime that no one grabbed those names yet.
  2. Putting up a very simple WordPress blog and ‘Squeeze Page’. A Squeeze Page is a web page with no links, no bells, no whistles… simply a bit of free content and an invitation to sign up for more free content. This will help me build a list of people interested in learning to do 100 pushups.
  3. Figuring out how to drive traffic to that Squeeze Page. I want as many eyeballs on the page as possible, but as low a cost as possible. Remember I’m not allowed to spend more than I would for a night out at the movies, and $11.30 is already cooked!
  4. Setting up an autoresponder… an email program that will help me deliver more free content to those interested people.
  5. Sending out an invitation to buy a PDF, iPhone App, or join a membership site. Something. I haven’t really totally decided what to sell yet, but it’s certainly going to be weightless: an Information Product.

Also, I’ll be documenting these processes for posterity (uh, that means YOU) and showing how each step is done so that you may follow in these Steps as well. Kind of cool, this Information Product business. Think about it… what other product takes up no space on your shelf, takes almost no effort to move… and once you have sold it, you still have it on your shelf to sell again? Only information.

I’ve made a very good living selling information two ways; the curriculum for my martial arts studio is, in its final analysis, an Information Product. Also, I wrote a book in 2002 that is still selling well enough to provide me a decent, low-maintenance royalty income. So this program on how to do 100 pushups in a row isn’t a very far cry from what I’ve done before.

But is this “100 Pushups” idea up for the Challenge? You decide. Whether it’s 10 days from today or 30, the pressure is on to make $1,000 bucks and that’s not chump change. Especially when I still don’t have a product to sell. 😉

Okay, Steppers, sound off! Any comments you wanna make, or ideas to share? Put ’em below!

Keep Stepping,


P.S. and Disclaimer. YES… you might have guessed that the logo and link above to GoDaddy.com is monetized, just like the Banditsigns.com affiliate link. Hey, if pointing you towards Steps that I have taken helps us both out… happy day, right?

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