When at first you don’t succeed.. you are NOT Chuck Norris

Heh… couldn’t help but add a little tribute to my childhood hero there, Steppers!

But, honest to goodness: even His Chuckness would tell you that it takes trial and error to learn a new skill… or RE-learn it. That’s what I’m doing right now with my information product, “How to do 100 Pushups”.

The good Chuck giveth and the good Chuck taketh away.

I still maintain that I should be able to make a thousand bucks with this little baby, while spending less on promoting it than a night out at the movies. And it’s going to happen. But I wanted to catch you up on what I’ve been doing to make that happen.

As of this writing, I have the following in place: a web page at www.howtodo100pushups.com, a Facebook fan page  with 121 actual ‘likes’, five YouTube videos in two different accounts, 14 honest-to-God subscribers in my  aWeber account (for broadcasting emails), an eBay listing, and a listing on Fiverr.com.

Sounds like a lot of advertising to throw up on the wall, but in true Shoestring101 fashion, it’s cheap. I have spent under $20 on the above, since only the web domain, hosting, and aWeber account cost anything.

But so far, sales have been a meager $10, while I”ve spent the $20. That’s a darn sight short of a thousand bucks…

Free advertising, but I'm learning how to leverage it better. I'll keep ya posted!

Reminds me of a joke I heard about a couple of *Aggies that were raising watermelons at a cost of $2 apiece and were selling them like hotcakes… for $1 apiece. A T-Sipper told them to count their earnings. “After raising 100 watermelons you’re behind by $100! You’ll never make any money this way!” The Aggies waited til the T-Sipper left and chuckled to themselves about  his ‘lack’ of business sense. “Shoot. What he don’t know is that we’ll grow even more and make it up on volume!”

Seriously though, I’m actually encouraged that the sales funnel I’ve created has generated $10 in sales so far. Now I just need to tweak it a bit… drive more traffic to it for cheap or free… and start building a list of buyers for back-end products. But how to do it today?

See, the rules have changed a bit since I marketed my first information product back in 2002. Who ever heard of Twitter or Facebook then? So I’m doing what any responsible veteran of any business should do every few years…

I’m going back to school.

That is, I’ve been scouring the internet for the very best courses, classes, and techniques being discussed in the forums about these subjects: information marketing and internet marketing. I’m learning like gangbusters, but it’s hard to separate the cream from the crap.

MOST of what I’m seeing is from folks that make a lot of money on the internet… teaching people how to make money on the internet… so all their students can then do is teach how to make money on the internet by teaching others how to make money on the internet. WHEW! Didja follow that?

Heh… but I have dialed it down to just a few, very good resources. I’d love to tell you what they are, but you’ll have to wait a little while. This is in keeping with my commitment never to talk about anything here that I haven’t used successfully.

AFTER I’ve made at least a thousand bucks with this or another information product, I’ll let you know whose advice I’ve been following to leverage this site to greatness. Til then, keep following along. I’ll let you know what’s happening every Step of the way.

Keep Stepping,


* For the unitiated… “Aggie” jokes are digs directed at students and graduates of Texas A&M University. My mom, a University of Texas (“T-Sipper”) alum taught me my first Aggie jokes. Shout out to ya, Mom! Hook ’em Horns!

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