Walk The Shoestring Steps With Me This Week: Measure Everything You Do

Today’s Way Awesome Blog Post: Thursday, Measure Everything Ya Do Day Length: Aww, take ya about four point two, well invested minutes About: The Shoestring Step I had to take before making Five Figures (!) a month Shoestring Step FOUR: Measure Everything You Do Welcome back to the five-part series where I bare all about […]

Effective Marketing on a Shoestring Budget: The “World Domination from Zero” Strategy

Today’s post is the: conclusion of my 4-part series on marketing a small business on a small budget. Total AWESOMENESS rating: five outta five stars, yo. ***** Check and see if I’m right. Return on your reading investment: In this post I reveal the secret sauce  I HAD to learn before I was able to […]

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Ultimate Guides: Kristi Hines

When you flit about the blogosphere in search of genius in this space (marketing, both on- and off-line), sometimes said genius jumps up and B-slaps you. I just gotta share my most recent sting across the cheek. You’re gonna love her, I promise: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Ultimate Guides One of the best ways […]

I’m Figgering Out Twitter!

In today’s post: a reminder that what gets measured, improves. How I’m improving my blog’s exposure not just by using Twitter… but by measuring the results from Twitter… as well as some key people that I’m personally following and a couple of techniques and tips that I’ve learned already. I’ve had a Twitter account for a while […]